Back by popular demand! Well, really one person said "I've checked your blog recently, and no new posts, what's up with that?" And I kinda went over that in my last post, about 2 and a half months ago. Shout out to Deuce, by the way!
So, back to the title of this post, One good sleep...
Have you ever felt like you were one good sleep away from being back on track? Maybe a couple of late nights, or some overtime have derailed your normal cycle for a few days, maybe a week? Well, I've felt that way for... I'd say about 3 and a half months or so. Just one good sleep away from being right. Everyday, all day, it's been tough sleddin' man I'll tell you that. I got it! At least I've convinced myself that I got it. I decided before going to sleep on sunday that that night's sleep would be the one, and when I woke up monday, I rolled with it, I said "that was the one, I'm right as rain now," and ya'know what, it's worked. I've been feeling pretty up this week. And here I am, actually writing a blog post for my millions of fans out there! Rock!
I've also re-realized that I really should do this, not because of any readers that might be out there, and not to hit number 1 on the google rankings or anything like that, but simply to keep a chronicle of what I do. Simple. So, here is the first post of the 2nd season of No Airplay, back with vigor, and spunk, and skeet skeet for your face!
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