As mentioned in the famed "Well..." post of January 27th 2007, my best bud dude? was coming out to Tokyo to visit me for a long weekend. Here is an account of those events, entitled "the Long Weekend of Debauchery 2007."
(by the way, yes, I looked up the spelling of debauchery)
Wed Feb 14th,
The day started out typical, work. After work I headed to Shinagawa station to meet dude? and begin the L.W.D. After returning home, we started drinking and played a few games on his Xbox 360. Boring I know, but it gets better...
Thur. Feb 15th,

After waking up, not easy, we had a little lunch and prepared for the the big first real day of the L.W.D. We hit the store to get some necessities, beer. At noon we hopped on the Ikegami line headed towards Gotanda station. The plan: 1 beer for every major station on the famed Yamanote line, plus one going in and one coming out.
YukigayaOotsuka -> Gotanda -> Shibuya -> Shinjuku -> Ikebukuro -> Ueno -> Tokyo -> Shinagawa -> Gotanda -> YukigayaOotsuka (Stations in Italics are not on the Yamanote line, meaning, YukigayaOotsuka)

If you notice the "->" spots, those all represent 1 beer drank. The rules: open a beer when you get on the train, and it must be finished before getting on the next train. We were allowed to get off of the train, but generally couldn't leave the station, except for in Shinjuku where I needed to leave to pay my rent, and in Akihabara, where dude? wanted to look for a game, and I wanted to look for a Wii. But it's ok, because in Akihabara we each drank an extra beer! So the grand total was at least 10. After that, we were pretty spent and spent the rest of the day just playing some Xbox and Xbox 360 in preparation for saturday's big festivities.
Fri. Feb 16th,
Started out the morning scouring for the Wii we didn't find the day before. We looked all over, Ikegami, Kawasaki, Jiyugaoka and Ooimachi all to no avail. So sad :( We went on to finish the day with an all-you-can drink bonanza at a favorite spot in Shibuya called Amataro. dude? and I met up with a bunch of my co-workers until the last wisps of the day. It was a good day.
Sat. Feb 17th,

This is the day everything had been leading up to. The 3rd ever Tournament of Champions. The first ever involving 2 contestants. We went back around to most of the places we hit the day before, but this time looking for a new Xbox controller because one of the ones I had had been acting up. While looking everwhere, we found none, but we did come across the prized Wii we had been looking for. By complete chance I was looking at the box when an employee at a small game/video store walked up and flipped the sign to show that they had some in stock. Immediately I walked to the counter and picked one up, along with Wii sports, a fun title I must say. Although we were thrilled to have the Wii, it was a little late in the game to include it in our T.O.C. but after we got back to my place we ran it through a few rounds before kickoff. It was rad. Because of all the searching around and Wii trying, we pushed back the original start time of 5:00 to 7:00.

Here's the results:
Arena Football: 67 - 70
Fight Night Rd 2: 2 - 1
Top Spin: 6 - 0
MLB 2K5: 8 - 7
NFL 2K5: 31 - 3 *
NHL 2K6: 6 - 5
NCAA March Madness: 61 - 48
NCAA 07: 7 - 64
Tiger Woods 06: ?? - ??
My score is listed first, followed by dude?'s
The Tiger Woods score has apparently been lost to history, I need to find that somewhere, and for some reason there was and asterik next to the NFL 2K5 score, I think there was some kind of controller malfunction or something during that game, I'll have to ask dude? about why that's there... So, yeah, that was the end of that, just a freakin' drinkin' good time.
Sun. Feb. 18th,
The end, just hung out, and dude? left in the early evening headed back to Osaka on the shinkansen, it was a stooper of a weekend, good times man, good times.
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