Monday, May 25, 2009
the greatest game ever made!
let me tell you how happy i am... actually, words can't capture how I'm feeling right now. the greatest game ever made, プロ野球チームであそぼう (let's play with a pro baseball team), is up and running! it wasn't until last night that i tried it out. i had tried it on the old Aquos and gave up because the lag made the game intolerable to play. the timing in the game, particularly when batting, is incredibly important. with the new Aquos i figured it would be the same story, however it wasn't. last night, just for fun, i plugged it in and i was off! i love this game so much. I've spent more hours playing this game than any other game in my life. 1st, most baseball games are like the real thing, slow paced. プロ isn't. you can play a normal game in about half the time of something like MLB 2K. there are no replays, cut scenes are few and quick, and the pitcher throws right away. the ball travels quickly and fielding is responsive and because throws and what not aren't canned animations (like every other baseball is) the defensive action is fluid and engaging. one of the best things about the game (and another thing that drives me nuts about 'normal' baseball game) is the camera angles. when batting, the angle is the typical umpire's view but you can also see the catcher's mitt and hand. however, where プロ shines is the defensive camera angles. unlike other games, which just pan out and give you an overhead view of the field making fielding the most boring part of every game, プロ puts you in the action by putting the camera right behind the fielder. if there's a hot shot down the 3rd base line, the camera jumps behind the 3rd baseman and you must react quickly. like real baseball. on a crushed home run the camera goes behind the outfielder as you watch helpless. it's awesome! the only baseball game I've ever played that made fielding exciting. there are so many good things about this game, the fluidity, the pace, the commentary, the atmosphere etc., the single best thing about the game, and only possible on the dreamcast is the pitching/hitting mechanic. when pitching, you look at the VMU to select your pitch then select your location. it's beautiful, it's simple. when playing against a human opponent it's perfect. they can't see where you're aiming! when hitting, after the pitch, the VMU tells all kinds of useful information; pitch location, swing location, swing timing, and power. power is decided by timing. you have to hold down the right trigger to ready your swing just before the pitcher comes forward in his delivery and release to swing as the ball comes in the zone. the better you time the pitcher, the more power you generate. once you figure out a pitcher's timing, you'll be spraying the ball all over the yard. some pitchers have hitches in their delivery that make them really hard to time, just like real baseball. timing. all though the game is now 9 years old, I've never played a better baseball game, and probably another game that I've been so attached to. it's dated graphically, i mean, all the players don't have arms or necks or legs (and that's why it's so fluid) and it's limited to exhibition games, a tournament and a single season mode, but it's perfect. it came out before the exodus of Japanese players to the U.S. so Ichiro (イチロー), and Matsui (松井(both of them, Kazuo and Hideki)) and Shinjo (新庄), and Matsuzaka (松坂) and Sasaki (佐々木) are all in the game along with the best team of all time, the Kintetsu Buffaloes (近鉄バファローズ)! if you can get it, get it!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I`ve done it!
I just googled myself, well, "No Airplay" at least. When I google myself I don`t come up with anything that I would be proud of... I did it, I hit #1! I don`t know how I did it, I guess it`s probably thanks to me. God knows no one else reads this, so following my own links has brought me fame beyond my wildest dreams! #1 on the google rankings! Don`t know if there is anything else for me to accomplish.. maybe this is where it should all end? I guess, might as well just keep plugging along until I reach the coveted Wikipedia page. That spawns the question of which is actually more a nod to "you`ve made it!"? What do you think? #1 result in Google, or your own Wikipedia page? What an age we live in! What a joke of an age that allows my blog to be the #1 result of any search in a world with a population of nearly 7 billion people. In other news, it`s 9 days until mornin and I head off to the great north for a few days of relaxing, drinking beer, eating good food, sightseeing and a wedding party. Also, it is Melting Faces` birthday! Rock! Happy b-day brotha! Cabana Boi! Anyone feeling the Ricky Ricardo vibe? Is that just me?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
b?'s E3!
E3 is coming up shortly, actually June 2nd-4th. I'll be out of town so probably can't get too many updates on what's happening, but I'm pretty excited to see what comes about from it. For now, there are 4 games coming out this year that I'm particularly looking forward to.
The only current game I'm thinking of getting is the new UFC 2009 undisputed.
I've played the demo, it's pretty cool, a cross between boxing and wrestling. I heard a bit about it on the giant bomb cast today and watched a review from game trailers and it seemed like it's probably pretty good. I might pick it up this weekend... or maybe when I get back from Hokkaido?
The 1st game I'm looking forward to, Fight Night Round 4, is coming out June 30th. I've been pumped for this game for quite some time as I've been a fan of the series. I played the crap out of Round 2, especially against my brother-in-law, and enjoyed Round 3, but while it took a step forward in the graphics department, I thought that it took a step back in terms of "fun."
Next game on the list that I'm suuuuuuuuper amped for is NCAA 10 on July 14th! What can I say, I've loved this game since the beginning, loved last year's incarnation, but better than last year is the promise of fixed bugs in the on-line fantasy dynasty and the ability (finally, again!) to create your own schools! This was always my favorite part, but it had been taken out of the last couple editions. Welcome back Ellensburg Ragin' Crackers and the Lomita Drunkin' Injuns! Best part of the new "create-a-school" feature is that they are gonna make it available before the game actually hits the shelves. Starting next month, you can go on-line and create your schools and then download them into the game once you get it. I just worry that my two favorite teams won't be PC enough to take on-line...
Red Dead Redemption, Fall 2009. I've talked about this one before, and I'm still looking forward to it.
Finally, I'm very interested to see what comes out of E3 about the new Tony Hawk called "Ride". With its peripheral, it could be great, or it could fall flat...
On a completely different note, mornin and I finished watching the finale of American Idol tonight. It was a good season (not that I can compare it to any other season...) and the guy that I had picked to win it all months ago, Kris Allen, came away as the champion. I feel satisfied. Proven right again!
The only current game I'm thinking of getting is the new UFC 2009 undisputed.
I've played the demo, it's pretty cool, a cross between boxing and wrestling. I heard a bit about it on the giant bomb cast today and watched a review from game trailers and it seemed like it's probably pretty good. I might pick it up this weekend... or maybe when I get back from Hokkaido?
The 1st game I'm looking forward to, Fight Night Round 4, is coming out June 30th. I've been pumped for this game for quite some time as I've been a fan of the series. I played the crap out of Round 2, especially against my brother-in-law, and enjoyed Round 3, but while it took a step forward in the graphics department, I thought that it took a step back in terms of "fun."
Next game on the list that I'm suuuuuuuuper amped for is NCAA 10 on July 14th! What can I say, I've loved this game since the beginning, loved last year's incarnation, but better than last year is the promise of fixed bugs in the on-line fantasy dynasty and the ability (finally, again!) to create your own schools! This was always my favorite part, but it had been taken out of the last couple editions. Welcome back Ellensburg Ragin' Crackers and the Lomita Drunkin' Injuns! Best part of the new "create-a-school" feature is that they are gonna make it available before the game actually hits the shelves. Starting next month, you can go on-line and create your schools and then download them into the game once you get it. I just worry that my two favorite teams won't be PC enough to take on-line...
Red Dead Redemption, Fall 2009. I've talked about this one before, and I'm still looking forward to it.
Finally, I'm very interested to see what comes out of E3 about the new Tony Hawk called "Ride". With its peripheral, it could be great, or it could fall flat...
On a completely different note, mornin and I finished watching the finale of American Idol tonight. It was a good season (not that I can compare it to any other season...) and the guy that I had picked to win it all months ago, Kris Allen, came away as the champion. I feel satisfied. Proven right again!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
an April/May punch to the face of info!
I'm back! i know i haven't been gone, i mean i put up a bunch of pics of sorts and shouted out about America's racism, but it's time to get down to what's gone down for me since the incident last month.
after getting out of the hospital i had some sweet meatloaf for the 1st time in ages!and then a crazy window washer outside my classroom:a picture from that bad ass curry shop in hatanodai (旗の台) i mentioned in 'the happening...' post:stuff is taaaaaste! mornin's insisted on going there like 3 times since we stumbled upon it the 1st time. it's cool, it's scrumpin good(soon)! i mentioned in that same post that I'd be going to my 1st baseball game of the season. i did. and I've been to 3 others since. I've had a rough year. 4 games, 4 L's... the only saving grace was the Frontale game mornin, meltin and i rocked during golden week, 4-1 beat down! back to the 1st game. mornin, melvis, his lady (we'll call her K2) and i headed to Y-town for a baystars x tigers throw down. didn't turn out for the good guys (sorry deuce!) all because of our starting pitcher, Fukuhara (福原), going too long. F'n new manager, Mayumi (真弓), has made a bunch of bad calls so far this season. It was pretty cool because somebody wrote "しね" on the Giant's mascot! Ha!Ha!
Don't forget to get yourself some Tigers P.C.P.2nd game i went to was for round-face's wedding party. it was good times, first time I've sat home side at jingu (神宮) in about 3 years, and 1st time I've ever rocked my Aoki (青木) jersey. another loss at the hands of B-stars... I'm for sure a much bigger B-stars fan, but since it was round-face's day, it was still a let down (again, sorry deuce!). i did hear some great news that day that I'm not sure if it's cool to post here now, but good news! congrats round-face! get your katsup here!
onto golden week... i had 9 days off, and the 1st was spent watching Frontale whoop Kyoto with a massive 2nd half performance! I expected more from a team that's all about the "Hardcore Naked!"my boys! (they had a big 3-2 comeback 2 days ago over 1st place, and hated rivals, the Urawa Reds, in Urawa! their 1st home loss of the year! Forza Kawasaki!) before the season opener melvis, mornin and i had our pic taken for a game day program but we couldn't go to the game that it was for because it was a Wednesday. luckily, mornin found a back issue at the 2nd game and POW! there we were:Too bad the reporter messed up and said that we were from Kawasaki city, Ota-ward (川崎市大田区)... It's actually Tokyo (東京). Which we told her.
tight! right? for the next couple days mornin and i just hung out, watched some TV and that was about it, it was good times.
next, i found some Jesus Body, just read it, and be amused:melvis and i tried a mini-T.O.C. with dude? and melvis failed! next time bro! mornin and i next headed out for a game up in Saitama (埼玉), her 1st trip to the stadium since it had a dome put on it. i wanted to get one of the new Lions jersey and it is sweet! but we were there to cheer on our Golden Eagles!Stupid lady in the bottom walked to much, otherwise the pan-o-rama woulda been a bit better... another loss... next couple days dude? and i rocked another mini-T.O.C. and mornin and i just chilled some more. to wind up golden week, mornin and i went over to Jingu for a Tigers x Swallows game in a (at times) driving rain. another loss... so to quantify my record on the year is 1-1-4... my next scheduled game isn't until June 3rd up in Sapporo, our fightin Hiroshima Carp taking on the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters. hope i can get another win on the board!
most recent action was Mr. infidel's going away party. he's heading back to the U.S. to hit up law school, go on boy! the party was intense, some dancing, some capoeira, and a ton of drinking! as far as i can remember, my final count was: 3 tall boys of beer, 2 tall boy chu-his, 3 cups of beer, 2 cups of something called 'reggae punch', 3 cups of vodka and some juice and a shot of tequila... it was a wicked night. gonna miss Mr. infidel, but i know in a few years i'll have a lawyer who'll hopefully hook me up pro bono! bu-ya!
after getting out of the hospital i had some sweet meatloaf for the 1st time in ages!and then a crazy window washer outside my classroom:a picture from that bad ass curry shop in hatanodai (旗の台) i mentioned in 'the happening...' post:stuff is taaaaaste! mornin's insisted on going there like 3 times since we stumbled upon it the 1st time. it's cool, it's scrumpin good(soon)! i mentioned in that same post that I'd be going to my 1st baseball game of the season. i did. and I've been to 3 others since. I've had a rough year. 4 games, 4 L's... the only saving grace was the Frontale game mornin, meltin and i rocked during golden week, 4-1 beat down! back to the 1st game. mornin, melvis, his lady (we'll call her K2) and i headed to Y-town for a baystars x tigers throw down. didn't turn out for the good guys (sorry deuce!) all because of our starting pitcher, Fukuhara (福原), going too long. F'n new manager, Mayumi (真弓), has made a bunch of bad calls so far this season. It was pretty cool because somebody wrote "しね" on the Giant's mascot! Ha!Ha!
Don't forget to get yourself some Tigers P.C.P.2nd game i went to was for round-face's wedding party. it was good times, first time I've sat home side at jingu (神宮) in about 3 years, and 1st time I've ever rocked my Aoki (青木) jersey. another loss at the hands of B-stars... I'm for sure a much bigger B-stars fan, but since it was round-face's day, it was still a let down (again, sorry deuce!). i did hear some great news that day that I'm not sure if it's cool to post here now, but good news! congrats round-face! get your katsup here!
onto golden week... i had 9 days off, and the 1st was spent watching Frontale whoop Kyoto with a massive 2nd half performance! I expected more from a team that's all about the "Hardcore Naked!"my boys! (they had a big 3-2 comeback 2 days ago over 1st place, and hated rivals, the Urawa Reds, in Urawa! their 1st home loss of the year! Forza Kawasaki!) before the season opener melvis, mornin and i had our pic taken for a game day program but we couldn't go to the game that it was for because it was a Wednesday. luckily, mornin found a back issue at the 2nd game and POW! there we were:Too bad the reporter messed up and said that we were from Kawasaki city, Ota-ward (川崎市大田区)... It's actually Tokyo (東京). Which we told her.
tight! right? for the next couple days mornin and i just hung out, watched some TV and that was about it, it was good times.
next, i found some Jesus Body, just read it, and be amused:melvis and i tried a mini-T.O.C. with dude? and melvis failed! next time bro! mornin and i next headed out for a game up in Saitama (埼玉), her 1st trip to the stadium since it had a dome put on it. i wanted to get one of the new Lions jersey and it is sweet! but we were there to cheer on our Golden Eagles!Stupid lady in the bottom walked to much, otherwise the pan-o-rama woulda been a bit better... another loss... next couple days dude? and i rocked another mini-T.O.C. and mornin and i just chilled some more. to wind up golden week, mornin and i went over to Jingu for a Tigers x Swallows game in a (at times) driving rain. another loss... so to quantify my record on the year is 1-1-4... my next scheduled game isn't until June 3rd up in Sapporo, our fightin Hiroshima Carp taking on the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters. hope i can get another win on the board!
most recent action was Mr. infidel's going away party. he's heading back to the U.S. to hit up law school, go on boy! the party was intense, some dancing, some capoeira, and a ton of drinking! as far as i can remember, my final count was: 3 tall boys of beer, 2 tall boy chu-his, 3 cups of beer, 2 cups of something called 'reggae punch', 3 cups of vodka and some juice and a shot of tequila... it was a wicked night. gonna miss Mr. infidel, but i know in a few years i'll have a lawyer who'll hopefully hook me up pro bono! bu-ya!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Art Archives vol. 5
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Art Archives vol. 4
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