E3 is coming up shortly, actually June 2nd-4th. I'll be out of town so probably can't get too many updates on what's happening, but I'm pretty excited to see what comes about from it. For now, there are 4 games coming out this year that I'm particularly looking forward to.
The only current game I'm thinking of getting is the new
UFC 2009 undisputed.
I've played the demo, it's pretty cool, a cross between boxing and wrestling.

I heard a bit about it on the giant bomb cast today and watched a review from game trailers and it seemed like it's probably pretty good. I might pick it up this weekend... or maybe when I get back from Hokkaido?
The 1st game I'm looking forward to,
Fight Night Round 4, is coming out June 30th.

I've been pumped for this game for quite some time as I've been a fan of the series. I played the crap out of Round 2, especially against my brother-in-law, and enjoyed Round 3, but while it took a step forward in the graphics department, I thought that it took a step back in terms of "fun."
Next game on the list that I'm suuuuuuuuper amped for is
NCAA 10 on July 14th!

What can I say, I've loved this game since the beginning, loved last year's incarnation, but better than last year is the promise of fixed bugs in the on-line fantasy dynasty and the ability (finally, again!) to create your own schools! This was always my favorite part, but it had been taken out of the last couple editions. Welcome back Ellensburg Ragin' Crackers and the Lomita Drunkin' Injuns! Best part of the new "create-a-school" feature is that they are gonna make it available before the game actually hits the shelves. Starting next month, you can go on-line and create your schools and then download them into the game once you get it. I just worry that my two favorite teams won't be PC enough to take on-line...
Red Dead Redemption, Fall 2009.

I've talked about this one before, and I'm still looking forward to it.
Finally, I'm very interested to see what comes out of E3 about the new Tony Hawk called "

With its peripheral, it could be great, or it could fall flat...
On a completely different note, mornin and I finished watching the finale of American Idol tonight. It was a good season (not that I can compare it to any other season...) and the guy that I had picked to win it all months ago, Kris Allen, came away as the champion. I feel satisfied. Proven right again!
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