So, my vow to put up at least a weekly post has, well, been broken. Sorry. But I'm back! Starting on October 15th 2007, I have not gone to work because I haven't been paid. Anybody who'll read this, will already know that, and that's why I haven't really wanted to write about that, but I should post about something, so, I'll post about what's been going on during my hiatus.
Day 3: a protest in the park...

So on October 17th my fellow teachers and I all met up in Yoyogi Park to protest not being paid. It was nice, drank some beer, some god awful Tequila, played some hacky-sack, and best of all, we played FOOTBALL!! We didn't have an American Football, but one of the Aussies brought and Aussie Rules Football so we ran with it, and it wasn't too bad, a little bigger around than your average football, which made gripping it to throw down field a little more difficult, but not too bad.

My team ran away with the game, final score was somewhere around 70-35. Awesome! After the protest in the park, we all headed over to A.O.S.'s house for some poker action and that cost me 1000 yen. Not a great showing, but not terrible either, oh well, it was a good day.