Sunday, August 31, 2008


ahhhh, the cat cafe! It's about time I got around to posting about this on here. You can read my review over on Scrumped, but now for some real insight! So I must first confess that I am a cat lover. My family has had cats (mostly scooped up from various places by my sister) for as long as I can recall, and I've been lucky to encounter a fair number of them with good personallity and style, so I am partial. But the idea of a cafe where you pay to play with them struck me as more than dorky, see:but it was a blogging chance I just couldn't pass up. I wasn't let down. The place was nice enough, the food was decent and the selction of cats was pretty varied. Who would pass up on the opportunity to drink beer and play with cats? Maybe dude? but who else?
I would like to make a return visit someday, maybe late night, when the cats are at their peak awakeness, but for now I think my desire for some pussy action has been satisfied plenty! meow! WAKE UP!

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