6 o'clock came and I was out the door and off to 新大久保 for the evening's rock! Envy was playing and they played hard! They sounded great, the sound system wasn't the greatest and the place was tiny! But once my ears were a bit numb, it all sounded a bit better. They played for about 2 hours, a lot of old stuff too. The place was a little strange and the stage wasn't very elevated so it was really hard to see anything going on on stage if you were more than 3 people back. At one point in the show the singer said something funny as I was taking a drink and thus I spit water all over the people standing in front of me, sorry! The show was really really good and I can't wait to see them again in April!

After the show it was back to tradition and mornin and I headed to 五反田 to hit up the standing sushi bar. It was really good and I tried a bunch of stuff I haven't before. Here was some of the goods:

It was a good day.
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