So to start I dusted off bikun to get him all ready for monday's epic ride to the mouth of the Tama river. He was in a sad state. I haven't ridden bikun in several months, and his tires were flat, his bell was still busted and the basket cover I put on to deter people from putting their garbage (namely empty coffee cans) in his basket was falling apart.

Denenchofu x2
Chidori-cho x2
Kugahara x2
South & East Yukigaya
and a few others all leading me back to Yukigayaotsuka in the most round-about way possible. It was intense, according to some rough calculations I went for about 15-17 miles or so. Pretty good preperation for the 23.5 mile adventure on monday...
ah, the bad news, the bike ride on monday has been postponed! I'm pretty torn up about it, but wait, there's some great news! I got the papers that's I've been waiting for for basically 3 months as of today! Jubilation! Because of getting my papers I had to postpone the trip with melvis on monday so we can head down to Hello Work and begin to get our F'n money baby! You take the good, you take the bad... and there you have, the facts of life! SWEEEEEEET!!!! 3 months of waiting for this day. I'm sure there'll be much more about that next week, but back to today's ride...
While in Ikegami I stopped in at Mr. Donuts and had myself a cup of coffee and a "The Simpsons Donut" it was "mixed berry" flavor, and it wasn't all that good. They have 2 options, this or some banana one.

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