Over the weekend (officially observed on Monday) we celebrated the birthday of the reigning emperor, Mr. Akihito! Yeah! He was born Dec. 23rd 1933 and was just a boy when his father, Hirohito, was in the chair for Japan's attempt at taking over the world, remember? Many people in the west don't realize that the Emperor's position is one of little to no power, and was also so during Hirohito's time. Akihito ascended to the throne in 1989 after his father's death creating the "Heisei" period. 2008 will mark "Heisei 20," the 20th year of the Heisei emperor, and if you live here, you'll need to remember that for official documents. He is the 125th* Emperor in Japanese history (according to tradition) and he's a little old man who is a noted ichthyological researcher (fish zooology). Here's to you Akihito! Banzai~! Banzai~! Banzai~!
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