Well, it's over! Thanks, thanks. Lets see... there are 3 sections to the test, first is Vocab, 2nd is listening, and 3rd is reading/grammar. First section I'd say I rocked in around a 65% or so, it was alright, on the upper end I'd go as high as 70% I guess. Second section was always my strongest, on the low end I'd go 80% and on the high end 90%. Man, I've got a penchant for listening. I've always been pretty good at it, and wasn't worried about this section whatsoever. The last part was... well... lets say... god awful. Yeah, that's right, going in I needed (according to my rough calculations) about a 50% to pass, and I think I just completely blew the captain on that one. Wow. I really had no idea what the questions were, and what the answers might be. According to percentages, just guessing you'd think I would have got at least 25%, you know 1 in 4 chance right? Well, there's also a possibility that I got 0%, and that's the one I'm thinking that I was closer to. Wow.
After the test I came home, completely sunk, and went ahead with something that I'd been thinking about for awhile. No hints, just pictures to follow.
After that mornin and I headed out to deuce's place at his invite to partake in some good 'ol times. I'm actually really glad I went. I've been blowing off so many invites lately because of studying that I almost blew this one off too because I was so disappointed with my performance on the test, but I ponied up and headed out. 3 1/2 bottles of wine later I am drunk and home.

I gotta say that of all the people I've met in Japan, deuce is by far my most favorite. Don't know what it is. I've got some theories though: could be because he's basically from the same area as me, could be because his girl rocks, could be because although he likes some puss ass bands he also likey the rock, could be because we both started at the greatest Eikaiwa in history at about the same time, could be because he's the only mofo I know that can rock New Balance shoes for futsol and still take a wicked break-away to the house, or could be because everytime I see see him he sports the same cap that makes me think "communist" or "emo" but not in a bad way. Don't know what it is, but sure am glad I met him. If you've ever read my blog you know that I love all the people I've worked with. I fiercely represent the places that I'm from. And I'm just greatful that I met the people I did, where I did, when I did. Thanks deuce! Thanks G-town crew!
i thought Section 3 was hard also. I barely had time to read through all the paragraphs (not to mention trying to understand them...)
Unfortunately listening sucked for me too...
I missed the kanji for grade (seiseki)...sigh...I guess my result will not be too high
Hmm...next year?
that's too bad annonymous, we'll get 'em next year though! as I said, I've already decided that I'm going to take level 1 next december, see you there!
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