Tuesday, April 29, 2008
vol. 21! Guest!
*This show is only for the strong of ear!*
Breaking New Ground! Today's show sounds like crap(at least dude?s half)! But I have my first guest ever! Guess who? Should I really use a ? there? Probably not, because it's not a question is it? I guess if I said, "do you know who?" it would be better... Kapow! We talked about Golden Week plans, such as: Tigers' Game, Osaka Loop Line Challenge, Wii games, Hiroshima, some whirlpool museum, and Orix Buffaloes. Also you can get some shocking info about Emperor Showa on his B-day! And probably a song from dude? ripped off himself, and NoFx!
Hanshin Tigers,
orix buffaloes,
Monday, April 28, 2008
Happy birthday to my big-sis! The D.R.E.! On this day (well, U.S. day (April 27th)) in 1976 she came charging into this world, and the world was not ready! But the world was for the better, and especially her little brother, who would arrive 3 and a half years later, was for the better (she saved me many times from the bullies!). Love you A! Gotta go call her now...

epitome of epicness!
Place: Harajuku, Tokyo
Event: The Final Installment of The Harajuku Cocktail Experience
Result: ROCK!
On Saturday I went over to the A.O.S. house for probably the last time for the final installment of the "Harajuku Cocktail Experience". It is always epic. This is probably my 5th one, maybe, I'm not sure, but they've all been great and I think this was about the 3rd time the police have made an appearance. After work I headed over from Shinjuku and arrived at the house arond 4:30 or so. Hung out with Ant and his wife and their baby along with Mr. and Mrs. A.O.S. for awhile before the festivities began. It was nice, just chill, some chips, some dip and some veggies. Around 5:30-6 is when people started to show up. Deuce was the first. Shortly thereafter the Ants took off because the little one was ready for bed, so Myself, Deuce and the A.O.S.s placed a bet to see who would be the next one to arrive... Deuce nailed it, choosing Kangaroo Jimmy and therefore got himself a sweet 300 yen! The party was similar to all the other Cocktail Experiences, epic! Lot's of people where there, lots of talking, and chit-chatting, it was good times.
Friday, April 25, 2008
vol. 20! short!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
guess what?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
the sweet smell of victory!
On Sunday mornin and I headed over to Jingu Stadium for our 3rd game of the season, 2nd T-gres game of the season, and 1st victory! We arrived at the stadium at about 3:45 and proceeded to head to the end of the line... keep in mind, the game did not start until 6:20... we walked, and walked, and walked... finally, we got in line about a half a mile from the stadium! Ridiculous!
In this picture you can't even see the stadium, you can see a large fence in the background which is the back side of a driving range, and the stadium is on the other side of the range... and the line winds... ridiculous! So, no more unreserved seats for Tigers games unless the reserved seats are all sold out...
So, on the way in to the stadium, I saw a bunch of flags that said "New Jingu, New Swallows". "New Swallows" I understood because they lost several players in the off-season, but I didn't know that Jingu was "new'. Jingu is my favorite stadium in the Tokyo area because it's small, it's old, and it's a great place to see a game, very nice sight lines, great atmosphere, so what's new? Well, 1st, and most important, they replaced the astro turf with brand new field turf! That is very good news! About time! Why they didn't go for grass, I'm not sure, it would have been the better choice, since it's an outdoor stadium, but of course, it's more expensive, so the field turf is OK I guess.
What else is new? Well, let me tell you! Not much. They also added new video screens in center field (it seems), and behind home. I think the one in center is new, I could be wrong, but it seems a bunch clearer and bigger than it used to be. The screen behind home is for sure new because now it shows what is on the big board in center instead of just displaying the score. Aside from those changes, the only other thing that seems to be different is that there are some new concourse shops. I'll give the renovation an B. I think the field change was great, they kept the basic feel of the stadium the same, with some minor improvements, the only thing that could have been better would be grass!
So, on the way in to the stadium, I saw a bunch of flags that said "New Jingu, New Swallows". "New Swallows" I understood because they lost several players in the off-season, but I didn't know that Jingu was "new'. Jingu is my favorite stadium in the Tokyo area because it's small, it's old, and it's a great place to see a game, very nice sight lines, great atmosphere, so what's new? Well, 1st, and most important, they replaced the astro turf with brand new field turf! That is very good news! About time! Why they didn't go for grass, I'm not sure, it would have been the better choice, since it's an outdoor stadium, but of course, it's more expensive, so the field turf is OK I guess.
Hanshin Tigers,
Jingu Stadium,
Yakult Swallows
Thursday, April 17, 2008
signs of life...
So, 3 weeks ago, to the day, mornin and I planted some seeds up on the roof. We sewed some wild oats (joke) and some chili peppers and some mini tomatoes. It's the first time I've ever tried to grow anything before and after no sprouting for such a long time I was beginning to think that we had done something wrong... but I checked today and the faintest sign of little green leaves has appeared, actual little green leaves!
Only 2 of the 10 seeds we put in have actually reached the surface so far but it gives me hope that soon more will follow. And who knows, in a few months maybe we will have actual fruit!
Vol. 19! Sick!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
God I hate people who knock on my door and try and sell me something! That is what stores are for! And what's worse is people trying to spread their religion! I have no problem with people who believe in something, but don't push it on me. In the past I would receive an unexpected knock on the door maybe once every 3, 4 months, mostly from people trying to sell me lady make-up or crap like that, but in the past 2-3 months I've had about 10 knocks from a pair of ladies, always different ladies, but always in a pair. Sometimes 2 Japanese ladies, and sometimes 1 with a foreigner in tow... At first I would politely listen to them until there was a break in their dialog where I could say "no thank you", but now, I've gotten to the point where I just open the door, say "no" and then close it immediately. Leave me alone! I know what the bible says, I know what Christianity has to offer, I don't need to hear it again.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
crap, sick again...
So, I'm sick... again... I hate being sick and it seems like this time of year it happens all too often. Maybe it's the changing season... who knows. But gotta go to work so it's time to pony up and be a man! The best thing though is that yesterday mornin picked me up some freakin chicken noodle soup!
I know it's ridiculous to think that it helps you get better, but it's just a comfort, and I crave the stuff every time I get sick, it's just hard to find it here so this is the first time I've been able to have it when I've been sick... crap, off to work...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
fure~! fure~! fure~! fure~!
So as I said, I went down to Yokohama on Friday to take in my first Tigers game of the season and luckily we had a break in the weather and it was a really nice day. I went down very early and hopped in line about 4 hours before the game and there were already probably more than 100 people in line ahead of me. Tigers fans are something else. I was able to get some nice pictures of the tulips around the stadium before the game, here!

Here's where I waited in line...
it rained the day before and the ground was still pretty muddy, so I stood for about 2 hours...
Here's the line behind me. This was about 1 hour before the gates opened.
We lost, and Kanemoto waited until the next day to get his 2000th hit...
A bit disappointing, but, still fun to be out at the game!
Here's where I waited in line...
Here's the line behind me. This was about 1 hour before the gates opened.
We lost, and Kanemoto waited until the next day to get his 2000th hit...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tickets and Kart!
Got my tickets for the games during Golden Week! Check it (them) out!
The games are: May 1st, Hanshin Tigers vs. Yukult Swallows in Koshien Stadium, May 3rd, Hiroshima Carp vs. Yokohama Baystars in Hiroshima Municipal Stadium, and May 5th, Orix Buffaloes vs. Chiba Lotte Marines in Skymark Stadium.
Played some Kart last night against dude? and you can see the results here, and note the time... almost 3am when we wrapped it up!
Why not look at some pigeons too?

Played some Kart last night against dude? and you can see the results here, and note the time... almost 3am when we wrapped it up!

Why not look at some pigeons too?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
vol. 18!
Monday, April 07, 2008
I am a "Dick"
This commercial was brought to my attention by Mr. Jace over at Chorus, Isolate, Confirm (http://jessejace.blogspot.com, a blog with a real writer!). In the CM (the 15sec version, because the 30sec version is slightly different) the people say "Buku wa..." or "Watashi wa..." with the ending being the name of the company, roughly romanized as "Dick". Priceless, and stupid. The advertising campaign is OK with the tag line "I am a HERO" but someone missed the boat with the CM.
ahhhh, spring...
Well, well, well, the weather is warming up, the flowers are blooming, you know what that means? BASEBALL! Last week, on Wednesday, Myself and my homies (mornin, meltin faces, deuce, and kangaroo Jimmy) headed down to Yokohama stadium near Kannai to take in our first game of the new season, soooo stoked! I mentioned on the show there was a lot of drinking involved, and we lost, but what an incredible feeling... being back at the ballpark. It's so natural, it's so... so... great. I love being out at the stadium. So, I talked about most of it in the podcast probably, but I wanted to share some pictures...
Here's my boys chillin down at Yamashita Koen (yeah, that's the name I couldn't come up with during the show, thanks meltin faces!)
Here they are from a little further back.
Pre-game Yokohama stadium, about 2 hours before the game, empty.
I love the expression on the lady behind them! Comedy Bronze!
Game Time!
Well, there you have it, that was the game, there are many more good pictures from that day, you might see some in later posts... doesn't it just scream SPRING!? Well, if not, how about a look at a some cherry blossoms? These were taken along the Meguro river in G-town!

So spring has sprung (lame) and the cherry blossoms have come and are on their way out, but baseball will be with us for 7 more months baby! This friday I'm heading back to Yokohama for my first Tigers game of the season, with another game (at Jingu) on the 20th, stoked!

Well, there you have it, that was the game, there are many more good pictures from that day, you might see some in later posts... doesn't it just scream SPRING!? Well, if not, how about a look at a some cherry blossoms? These were taken along the Meguro river in G-town!
So spring has sprung (lame) and the cherry blossoms have come and are on their way out, but baseball will be with us for 7 more months baby! This friday I'm heading back to Yokohama for my first Tigers game of the season, with another game (at Jingu) on the 20th, stoked!
kangaroo jimmy,
melting faces,
Yokohama Baystars
Thursday, April 03, 2008
vol. 17!
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