Well, well, well, the weather is warming up, the flowers are blooming, you know what that means? BASEBALL! Last week, on Wednesday, Myself and my homies (mornin, meltin faces, deuce, and kangaroo Jimmy) headed down to Yokohama stadium near Kannai to take in our first game of the new season, soooo stoked! I mentioned on the show there was a lot of drinking involved, and we lost, but what an incredible feeling... being back at the ballpark. It's so natural, it's so... so... great. I love being out at the stadium. So, I talked about most of it in the podcast probably, but I wanted to share some pictures...

Here's my boys chillin down at Yamashita Koen (yeah, that's the name I couldn't come up with during the show, thanks meltin faces!)

Here they are from a little further back.

Pre-game Yokohama stadium, about 2 hours before the game, empty.


I love the expression on the lady behind them! Comedy Bronze!

Game Time!
Well, there you have it, that was the game, there are many more good pictures from that day, you might see some in later posts... doesn't it just scream SPRING!? Well, if not, how about a look at a some cherry blossoms? These were taken along the Meguro river in G-town!

So spring has sprung (lame) and the cherry blossoms have come and are on their way out, but baseball will be with us for 7 more months baby! This friday I'm heading back to Yokohama for my first Tigers game of the season, with another game (at Jingu) on the 20th, stoked!
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