I have terrible gas! I don't know what's going on, but I've had some wicked terrible gas a couple times in the past week... it just smells god awful! just horrible!
On a lighter note, the TV stand that I couldn't get at JUSCO this morning has been ordered! It'll be arriving at my door next Thursday, wahoo! I'm psyched!

mornin and I rocked over to the sento in Ontakesan this evening and it was nice, very relaxing... when u get in. The anticipation, and anxiety of going in, stripping naked and hanging out with a bunch of old Japanese dudes is about 1000 times worse than actually doing it. And chilling in the hot ass (43 degrees C) onsen fed tub is really nice.
I've been going over my iTunes library, deleting duplicate songs (dude? knows what I'm talking about) today, and I've gone up to the Is and I've gotten rid of about 10 Gbs of excess fat, 18 letters left...
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