my knee still hurts, i got sick again, and i don't know if fable 2 has an ending... on the bright side i've almost recovered from my cold! and next saturday i'll be at the frontale game with mornin and melvis! i'm psyched! this time of year is pretty boring. football ended and soccer and baseball haven't started yet. we've got hockey and basketball, but without the sonics i don't care too much about either of those until the playoffs. college b-ball until march madness. selection sunday is in 2 weeks! and the dawgs clinched at least a share of the pack 10 championship! i have been watching Japan's warm-up games for the WBC, but they are pretty boring. the real thing will be more interesting but nothing compares to actually being out at the stadium, watching a game with a smuggled beer or 7. other than that, life's been pretty average. just lots of working. i need a vacation i think...
Good news! There's gonna be a sequel for
Red Dead Revolver coming out this year (Fall) called "Red Dead Redemption." I'm looking forward to that. The first one was pretty good, pretty original idea at the time and pretty decent game play. I hope the sequel ends up being just as good.
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