So last week I went out to Osaka and visited Dude? for a few days. It was good times. The best part was visiting Koshien Stadium and playing a round of "beer an inning." We both made it through the 9 beers that we smuggled into the stadium (in addition to some beer that an old guy in front of us bought for us, and about 5 or so tall boys that we finished off before the game too) I was real drunk, but as for dude? he ended up super dehydrated with some unfortunate results. But all-n-all it was a good trip, drank some beer, played some Xbox 360, traded some music, and went to some place called "bikuri donkey," which means (for some reason) "surprise donkey." Yeah, and the place looked like a pile of garbage that landed on top of a Family Mart, as dude? said. pics'll be up on Flickr tomorrow. Anyway, it's a hamburger steak restaurant, which, for some reason is a popular food here... It was ok, but too expensive. But it was good, first time out of Tokyo since I arrived, and it was really nice to get out of here, and not so good to come back...
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