So, tonight was hunbun's b-day, happy b-day hunbun! I had to work late, so tonight, we just had time to go to dinner. We went to a place in Oomori, and, surprise! it wasn't AnAn! I know, I know, "wow" right? Yeah, we decided to try something new. We went to this place that has a pepper for a logo, and living up to the expectations, it was a cornicopia of spicy food. We went with a course menu, and we had some Kimchee cheese thing, nabe (a kind of pot boiled misc. food thing), tofu salad, and a couple of other things. One of those things was some Habenero fried chicken. My god! The hotestest thing I've eaten in my life! I love spicy food. I eat it all the time, and usually don't bat an eye. I've lived through, what I call, the "Indian Death Curry," and the hotest hot wings most places can throw at me. Tonight was different. My god, it was intense. I took one bite, and waited.... It was all good to begin with, but then... it started to come, and it didn't stop, it was intense, I mean really intense. I warned hunbun not to try it, but she did. Big mistake. When they bring the stuff to the table, they give you plastic gloves because your eyes will begin to water, and after touching the chicken, the last thing you should do is touch anywhere around your eye. Hunbun, made this mistake, and experienced some pain. Anyway, the food at the restaurant was really good. I was very impressed, but I'm not going to mess with that chicken again. So, tomorrow, I'm working, but after work I'm meeting up with hunbun, and we are going to hang out this weekend, and do some shopping for her b-day presents. New glasses and a new cell phone. I gave her a couple of things tonight. I gave her some salt&vinegar chips, and a drink maker thing too. I also gave her some cheese cake. She liked it. Good day, I hope it was a good b-day for her too.
Later y'all!
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