So today was the first day of my weekend! whoopie! It was raining for most of the day, and so I decided I would make it "game day." I planned to play 1 game of each of the sports games that I have, but I felt that was a little too... eh... so I decided to turn it into a drinking game. So today I created, completed, and won the first ever "tournament of champions!" It is not easy I will tell you. So the idea is that I play one game of each game, and drink one tall boy for each game played. The total number of sports games I have is 9, and thus I drank 9 tall boys during the tournament. Here are the results, in order:
game #1 NCAA football 06 (W 56-3)
game #2 NFL 2K5 (W 21-13)
game #3 MLB 2K5 (W 4-1)
game #4 Fight Night Round 2 (W 4th round K.O.)
game #5 Top Spin Tennis (W 4 match sweep)
game #6 NBA 2k5 (W 69-47)
game #7 NHL 2K6 (W 3-0)
game #8 Arena Football (W 38-26)
game #9 Tiger Woods 06 (L +2 over par)
I went 8-1 over the tournament, and clocked in a total time of around 6 and a half hours, with 7 bathroom breaks. I'm sure it can be done in a shorter span of time, but I wasn't pushing it as this was the first ever T.O.C. as I said. I was just kinda feeling it all out. I played most of the games on all-star, or all-american difficulty, or the equivalent, and some were a bit touch and go for a bit because I hadn't played many of them for awhile, and I forgot how to play some of them, but all in all it was a good day, next time I'll need an opponent though. Anyway, I ended up going to bed at about 8:30 at night, and woke up around 11:30 and haven't been able to go back to sleep, so here I am... headache and all posting a blog... here's what the aftermath looks like:

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