Wow, from January-September I posted a total of 4 times, time to see what I did...
Jan '07
The year started off pretty regular... and in fact, no decent pictures survive from January. I can tell that I did go to a couple of parties, and also played poker, but that was about it. Also, from reading my one Jan 2007 post I realize that at that time I was doing the whole split days off thing... so onto the good stuff...
Feb '07
Feb kicked off with a Tool concert in Odaiba. It was a good show, they played alot of favorites, but the show was a bit short, and the Japanese audience was a bit of a let down with their ultra laid back politeness, it's rock folks, freak out!
Next up was a visit from dude? that became the L.W.D. (the Long Weekend of Debauchery 2007, see April 2007 post)
Mar '07
March saw me applying for a visa renewal and also saw the last time I cut my hair. That's about it.
Apr '07
April was packed with action, starting with a trip to Kaneyama Shrine for the Penis Festival
May '07
May included a trip out to Chiba for my first game at Chiba Marines Stadium between the Tohouku Rakuten Eagles and the Chiba Lotte Marines, as well as a going-away party for my favorite staff member at work. Also came across some crabs in bags...
Jun '07
In June I tried the "Mega Teriyaki Mac" (couldn't even come close to finishing
Jul '07
Looks like July was a quiet month... Not too
August held another Tigers game in Yokohama, and a Baystars game in Jingu. I also made a trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame at the Tokyo Dome and visited my old college here in Japan, Takushoku University. During August I also bought a Dreamcast in order to play my favorite game of all time, "Pro Yakyu Team de Asobou!" a brilliant Japanese baseball game made around 2000.
Sep '07
Oct '07
October was my b-day and the beginning of the end for VONA. Oct 14th marked my last day of work. October also marked my first post since May, and the revival of 'no airplay'. Went to an O-eshiki, went to Oktoberfest out in Yokohama, went to Burger King, ate some giant nan, and began the long march towards the JLPT test...
Nov '07
November saw the creation of the 'no airplay' podcast and the overhaul of the site. Also we had the final death gasps of the once great and powerful VONA corporation. The biggest event of the month though was the 1st annual Yukigayaotsukapolooza! This is also when I started to go up on the roof pretty much daily to watch the sunset.
December began with the JLPT test and ended with a series of unfortunate events. Not too much in-between. I revitalized my interest in bike riding and I did have an interview near the end of the month... The very end of the month was packed with action as Tora came into town for a visit, we went to The Emperor's Palace but didn't get in, also met some of his fellow Hokkaido Gajin down here and in 1 day had 2 tabehoudais (Indian Curry, and Yakiniku) and drank a ton, visited a shrine at midnight, and ate some Toshikoshi Soba.
This year I'm hoping for some stuff to turn around. Hopefully starting next week I'll be back working. I want to take a trip home for the first time in 2 years to see my nieces and nephew, and also my big sis, bro-in-law, daddy-o, and Punk. I'd like to really dedicate myself to studying Japanese much harder and prepare for the JLPT test level 1. I'd like to eventually change to a not teaching English but rather using the Japanese that I started studying exactly 10 years ago this month (I didn't study continuously, really probably studied for about 4 years total, just started that long ago). The other thing I think I would really like to do is save some money. I have alot of traveling I'd like to do, and alot of stuff I'd like to buy (check the next post for more info on those) but I'd also like to cut out alot of the stupid money that I spend this year. Don't get me wrong, I don't make new years resolutions, this is just general planning...
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