of the employed, still gotta go back to Hello Work tomorrow for some kind of meeting that will hopefully lead to getting some unemployment money before I get back to working full time. Also, rumors of back pay starting to get paid to some people has me a bit excited too. The last 3 months of scrimping and saving might give way to a shopping spree or two in the near future! I deffinately am going to save as much as I can so that I never get into a similar situation any time soon, but I'd like to buy something, anything!
There is one negative to the news, and that's that I can't now take the trip across the river to Todoroki Stadium today like I was planning. Todoroki Stadium is the home of the Kawasaki Frontale J-league franchise, and I'm planning on getting some season tickets this year because according to my rough calculations it's about a 40 min walk, and it's only 25,000 yen (about $220) for a season ticket.
Well, I'm back. It's 2 days later and I went to work, and I went to Hello Work. First, work was OK, a bit awkward putting on the old duds again, but a bit more laid back than my old job, little more personal time between lessons and I had a 2 hour lunch break also. The one negative is that unlike my old position, I don't get paid for any lessons that I don't teach, so that was a 2 hour unpaid lunch break... but it was OK, work is work and the location isn't bad. Normally I never really leave the comforts of the Ikegami line, unless I have to, but going down to Shibuya is only about 15 mins more than Gotanda, and there are lots of places that I can stop off on the way home, or on the way there, that would have been out of the way for me if I was still working in Gotanda. So far only the one day, had a chance to work again yesterday but didn't because I had to go to Hello Work... what a waste, it took like 40 mins and it was completely worthless, 40 mins to explain to us how to fill out one form. There were alot of sad looking faces there, and still alot of frustration, I thought it was funny.
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