What's happening all? It's late and I gotta be up at 6:30 to watch the playoff game between the Seahawks and the Redskins in about 5 hours... but can't sleep... go hawks!
This is post #100 for me, and I thought I'd take a look at the future. I've got alot of ideas swirling in my dome and that's the main reason I can't sleep so I thought that I'd put 'em down here to get them off of my mind.
28 years old, it's pretty easy to remember how old I am usually because my age is the same as the year for the most part, 1997=17, 2000=20, 1989=9, of course with the exception of the last half of October, November and December, but January-beginning of October, got it figured out.
It's time for a "bucket list":
this year...
well, as noted in the previous post, I'd like to buy some stuff, get a new job, and travel a bit this year, but I also have a few other goals I'd like to accomplish:
1. I want to record a solo album. I'm looking at about 10-12 tracks for the album, most of it is basically finished, as far as basic ideas of all the songs, but still need to work on accompanying parts and lyrics.
2. I'm gonna start a book about "my" journey here. It's planning to be loosely based on my experiences here, along with my friends and it'll be on a different post (more info coming). I'm not a writer. When it comes to music, and art, I can do OK, but I've never been much of a writer, except for poetry, but I'd like to get through at least about 100 pages by the year's end.
3. Study for and take the JLPT level 1. I've mentioned this before.
by the end of next year...
1. Read the Koran. I'm not a religious person, in fact, don't care much for religion at all, was never raised religious, and have been to churches and the like very few times in my life, but I've had a long fascination with trying to read different religious texts, and this is one that I'm very interested in checking out.
2. Absolutely have a job using Japanese. I've said it before, that's my goal, and I'm willing to make some concessions (namely teaching English another year or so) to be able to stay here long enough to get a job using Japanese.
3. Visit at least 2 new countries. No real specifics here, just want to see something new.
so, by this time I'll be a full blown adult, aged 30... doesn't really seem like the first 30 years of my life were lived to their fullest maybe... is there a reset button?
by the time I'm 35...
1. I will complete the animation (or manga?) of the greatest story not told yet, "kamon get it! -a dude? and butt? adventure". I figure this should be enough time.
2. I will have finished my 2nd album (by the way neither of these are going to be "released", just want to do it for myself).
by the time I die...
1. I will have traveled to every continent (excluding Antarctica?).
2. I will have gone to a Super Bowl, World Series game, and an Olympics.
3. I will have visited Fenway Park, and Wrigley Field.
4. I will scuba dive.
5. I will hang glide.
6. I will visit the homes of my ancestors, America (done), England, Ireland, and Holland.
I guess that's about it for now, I know there's a big jump between 35, and dying (or is there?) but I'm keeping my sights short for now. Who knows man, life's a tempermental bitch, who knows if I'll get the chance to do any of these things? That's rhetorical by the way. You never know man... It'd be nice to aim higher, space, teleportation, write the great american novel, noble peace prize, maybe be TIME's man of the year, but really I don't care about any of that stuff, I'm pretty simple. I mean, a noble peace prize would be great, just gotta do something that would warrant it I guess...
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