Monday, January 28, 2008

dry as a dead dingo's donger...

On Saturday I headed down to Harajuku for the first time in a bit to hang out with A.O.S. and his crew in celebration of Australia Day. It was great to see everyone, and just hang out, and drink. One of the highlights of the evening was the "National Anthem-off" that we had earlier in the evening. It was a mixed bag of folks as you might guess, Australians, Americans, Canadians, Japanese, and even a guy from New Zealand (via AUS), and we took the chance to represent our countries by singing our countries' songs. First up was Japan, and it was pretty weak. Next was the U.S. and we rocked it! Oddly enough, all people of all nations joined in in singing "The Star Spangled Banner" I guess it's pretty well known around the globe... After us was N.Z. and it was a bit sad because only one person knew it, and I think most of us had never even heard it before. Next was Canada, and I must say that Mr. Smoking Canon rocked it! Finally, it was Australia's (the host country) turn to rock the mic, and it was a fairly good showing.
Later in the evening one of my best friends in this world, Ms. Pure-child, came by A.O.S.'s house to see me, and invite me to her wedding. She told me a couple of months back that she was going to be getting married, but this was the first time that we've been able to meet, because she lives in the far off land of Nagoya. So, I'm really looking forward to that, I was also able to meet her husband to be, and he seems to be a real nice guy, some I'm happy for her, just gotta save up some money for the wedding now, them things are pretty expensive to attend over here!

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