Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Well, it's been about a week since I've put up a post, and for all of the people who have been waiting for this, here ya go. (shout out to Jesus, cuz I think he's the only one who ever reads this anyway)
The first thing I wanted to talk about is the TV show Lost. So, I've been watching this over the past 2 days, and let me tell you, I've watched almost the entire 1st season in 2 days. It's pretty cool. I like the set-up, they tell the stories of all of the survirors of a plane crash at different times in a real interesting way. The one thing that I can't get over is (and if you want to see this show, don't read the next line) the polar bears. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch the show. It's pretty cool, and the best character is Hurley, he's funny, and he adds a needed dimension to the show. I never was interested in the show back home, couldn't care less, but being here, and needing something to watch, I took a gamble on it, and it paid off, it's good stuff.
Aki Aji! means fall flavor, and it's exactly that. Every year here, they put out seasonal beers, fall, winter, spring and summer. Seems that all of the major beer makers do this, and it's cool I guess, it makes it interesting at least. But the one that Kirin has come out with is really good. I like it a bunch. Dude? does too, but Hunbun thinks it's a bit dark. Oh well, I like it and over the past couple weeks I've bought roughly a ton of it. So much, in fact, the Lawson down the street from me is currently sold out of it. oops, my bad people.

Last week, on wednesday, I went to a place called "Ringer Hut." I thought it might be some kind of rip off of Pizza Hut or something, but it was far from it. The board on the outside claims that it is "Nagasaki Chanpon." I was a little skeptical at first because the only pictured food was some fried rice. It looked good, but I just couldn't tell what else they were going to have available, but people kept on rolling in and so I took a shot. It was real good, this is what I got:

It was chanpon, and gyoza, all for less than 700 yen. The chanpon was packed full of goodness; carrots, squid, shrimp, cabbage, soy beans, corn, kim chee, and pork. And best of all it came with 4 gyoza which were really good.

Anyway, that's it, that's all I've got for now, there's a couple things I'll go into this weekend, but I can't just yet as it's a surprise, and there's a possibility that hunbun could actually read this :)

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