I thought I'd fire up another post while I was at it. I just had a few things that didn't really go with other posts that I felt like talking about. The first is the Hello Kitty bike. This bike is the bane of my existance. It has some stupid hello kitty stuff on the handlebars, and a hello kitty pad on the rear fender of the bike. It's not like this is a kid's bike, it's a full fledged adult size bike. And this person always ends up blocking me, or getting in the way so I can't park my bike under the covered area. It's ridiculous. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just another bike, but it's a hello kitty bike, and I want to set it on fire! Aside from the hello kitty bike, I must say that most bike riders in this city are terrible. They are dangerous, and they do not pay attention what so ever. Along with the crazy bike riders I must deal with on my way to the station and other places, there is something that is especially troublesome that I must deal with on the way to the station. It's the blind corners. On my way to the station everyday, I come accross roughly 10 blind corners. In some places there are mirrors set up to see around the corners to see the incoming traffic, but that is of course, car traffic. Doesn't usually show the opposite way, where bikes could be coming from. It's dangerous, and it doesn't help that, over the past month or so, they ripped up the street about half way to the station to fix some pipes, so, now it's a pretty rough ride:( Anyway, on to some good things. In 2 days, the first games of the NFL season will begin, and all will be good in this cosmic vastness. This weekend, I'll be doing a special "voice" session trying to explain the rules, history, and current state of the game we, in america, call football. It should be fun, I'm hoping that some people will become interested in it enough to maybe watch a game on cable or something, but I figure that's kinda hoping for alot, so I really just want them to enjoy it, and maybe learn something about my favorite game. Saturday evening, hunbun is going to stay over and I'm real excited. Usually I end up staying at her place, and it's cool, cuz her place is real nice, and mine's a dump. Anyway, on sunday this week, she doesn't have yoga class, so she's gonna stay here, and like I eluded to in the last post, I kinda have a surprise for her. It's gonna be nice, and I'm really looking forward to having her stay with me for the night.
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