Saturday: Saturday was the 6th installment of the "Harajuku Cocktail Experience." It was probably the best one I've been to thusfar. I've been to about 3 of Master Slayer's parties, and this one was raging! Really good times, everyone had a really good time it seemed, that is until the fuzz showed up... They came by around 12:30 or so, and just told everyone to move it inside, and quiet down. It was really different than the cops back home, they were actually pretty cool. Anyway, thanks master slayer, it was a rad time! See you Oct. 21st for vol. 7!
Monday: On monday I worked until 5:40 and then went home, changed, and headed out to Shibuya to meet some friends. I never go down to Shibuya cuz it's full of young and crazy people. Anyway, I met up with and old friend, Fu-chan, and her husband, Yu-chan. Fu-chan is hunbun's best friend, they go way back, and are from the same town up in Nagano. Hunbun and I are going to visit them up in Matsumoto in about 2 weeks, and I'm very excited, but they were in town to visit Disneyland and so we had the chance to go out to dinner, hunbun showed up late because she had to do some more overtime :( So, we went to T.G.I. Fridays in shibuya and had a good time, it had been about 4 years since I had seen Fu-chan, and the first time I had ever met her husband, it was really cool. Fu-chan is like a sister too me, and so all night we just talked about old times and stuff, it was really cool, and her husband was really cool too. Yu-chan's sister also joined us and she, in fact, works for the same company as me but at a different branch. She was pretty cool too, and all together it was a pretty cool night, thanks guys, see you in 2 weeks!

Tuesday: Tuesday was of course a fairly miserable day weather-wise, but I took a train ride up to Ueno, and visited the "Ueno no mori museum." They were having a special "centennial retrospective" for Salvador Dali. It was for the 100th anniversary of Dali's birth (which was actually 1904 so... a couple years late?). Anyway, it was pretty cool, I saw many of his famous works and it was really cool to see them in person since I am a big Dali fan, interesting to see the actual size of the pieces themselves. Some of them were much smaller than I had imagined. They, unfortunately, didn't have on hand my favorite painting of his, "The Temptation of St. Anthony," so that was a bit dissapointing, but I got to see some of his sketches, and that was really neat, much cooler than seeing the paintings that I've seen a hundred times in books, actually seeing his hand drawn sketches was really cool!
So, that's my week(end) in a nutshell, if anything else happens between now and later, I'll let you know, peace out homie!
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