My last weekend was spent hanging out with my family and the best part was celebrating an early Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday bar none! I love it, and I was honored this Thanksgiving with the job of carving the turkey! Check it out:
I let my nephew get in on it too:
And here’s the fam:
My last 2 days were just spent hanging out again, doing some errands and getting my stuff together. Then, on Monday, P and I headed out to SeaTac again for my flight home. BUT ONE LAST THING!!! I needed TACO BELL! We stopped at on and found that it didn’t open until 10:00… sad. So we headed off again but stopped at another Bell and just waited in the parking lot until 10 came around, a good 20 min wait. But there I had it! So we swept on over to SeaTac, P dropped me off, and I sat outside and ate my Taco Bell:
All in all it was a good vacation. It was a very strange experience. It had been so long since I had been home, and so many things threw me off. I spent the first week dying to get back to Tokyo, to some sense of normalcy, but by the second week, I felt that it was a good decision going back. It was really nice to see my family again, good to see my kitty, good to see some friends, and good to see my city.
One other note: my mac is missing! I had a sweet little macbook that I left in P’s garage in Arizona that has gone missing. It was the one thing that I wanted to bring back to Japan with me and it’s gone… It was in a black briefcase with a sweet, old school Seahawks helmet sticker on it. Let me know if you’ve seen it…
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