Happy Thanksgiving all! Deja vu? Nope! Today I celebrated turkey day with hunbun! However, before we met up for the festivities I had to do laundry... well, that was an adventure! I walked over to the laundry room and encountered a contraption that I hadn't seen before... this thing

is a "washing machine" supposedly. Well, it's not your run of the mill washing machine, and I was dumbfounded as to how to work it. Well, after figuring out how to get water into the thing, I then had to figure out how to get the water out. I was pretty pleased that I had made it that far, but then, I ran into the difficulty of how to get the water out of the clothes. I finally figured that out, but it ended up taking me about an hour and a half to do a 30 min load, but now I've got it baby! So after my triumph I headed out to Ebisu to meet hunbun for some shopping. After striking out with the boots in Ebisu, we headed to Shibuya and there we found some good ones. Finally we headed back towards my place swinging by KFC and the grocery store to pick up the fixins for out thanksgiving dinner. Not a bad spread, not like back home, but pretty decent none the less... good day!
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