Hola amigos! Que dice poop? How are things? I just wanted to put up a couple of pictures I took today. This top one is the view from my window. On the far left you can see the train station I use everyday, pretty close eh? (shout out to my north of the border friends on that one) Anyway, I haven't had much to talk about recently in my blogs because I don't really like to talk about news and stuff like that because there are people who get paid alot of money to talk about that, so usually I just talk about what I've been doing or seeing,

but I haven't done anything special lately. Things are good though, couldn't be better! I'm loving my apartment, and I'm just living man, just living! Anyway, today I did do something, not particularly special, but it's the best I've got. So, this morning I went down to Shinjuku to take back my key from the old apartment to the head office, or the "womb" as I like to call. Anyway, I was only down there briefly, but I did take some pictures that I'd like to show you, please enjoy!

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