the what happened to that award goes to...
ninety9bottles! this award seems to have lost its impact since dude? has actually posted twice since this award was supposed to have been awarded, my bad!

the best podcast hosted by a guy in america and a guy in japan goes to...
the moon masters! originally it was the best podcast hosted by two guys from kentucky, but i thought there would be too much competition.

the single greatest podcasting moment of 2008 goes to...
purple-san vs. the picture-taking lady, the apocalypse dowell show, episode... actually, i don't remember the episode number, but this was an amazing moment in podcasting history, check it out if you can find it! (I checked, and it's episode 63 です)

the most kerchiefs worn this year award goes to...
meltin faces! check it out:

the guy who looks most like earl from my name is earl award goes to...
dude?! see what i mean:

the bet you thought we were dead award goes to...
home by 8 drunk by 10! yeah, after over a year absence this masterpiece is back!

worst game of 2008 award goes to...
tie! deca sporta/family stadium for the wii. these games were terrible, and i bought them both! a close 3rd place was disaster:day of ... that game was terrible too, but at least they tried something big.

the best game of 2008(besides NCAA 09) goes to...
god of war: chains of olympus for PSP. i don't even remember if this was released in 2008, but it was rad!

best movie i saw in 2008 award goes to...
子ぎつねヘレン! i almost cried...

worst movie i saw in 2008 award goes to...
superhero movie. not funny, just stupid.

worst thing coming of the year goes to...
guys wearing boots outside there pants! this is something i've noticed recently and it's totally disturbing. this is something that the ladies have been doing for some time now, but the dudes are at it now. what's worse is when you see dudes rocking uggs (in general) outside their pants. i hope this thing dies off quickly! Sorry, no picture yet.
worst thing going of the year goes to...
BECK! In October, my favorite, and really the only manga I like, finished its run... very sad, you will be missed!

so there you have the 1st ever NAPpY award winners, congrats to you all! I'm so glad I did that.
I would like to think myself. Dowell too. I can't forget pizza and french fries. Also Japan. I can't forget KY. Is there anything else I am forgetting?
3 NAPpYs? All I can say is you will not see another person work harder to win more NAPpYs next year. I will be a man possessed.
I would like to think myself too...
3 NAPpYs? hardly! more like 2.5 and barely hung onto one of them. You better work harder!
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