This morning mornin and I headed over to Akasaka and Akasaka Sacas for my, and her, first visit to the Sakas (pronounced "Circus" (kinda, maybe closer to "suck-ass")). Being as there has been poop for snow this year here in Tokyo, I thought we should bring the snow to us. In the form of ice. Lots of it. And in the shape of a rink. We could call it an "ice rink" if you like. "White Sacas," which is a little too close to "White Suckas" for my taste is an ice rink set-up in the plaza out front of the TBS building in Akasaka. Before we see the rink, check out the cool stairs, looks an awful lot like
Space Invaders but I think it's a train...

The price for the skating was reasonable, 1000円 plus 500円 for skate rental but mornin's a student and I printed out a coupon that I got from the Akasaka Sacas website so we both ended up getting in a little cheaper, buya! It was the first time I've seen mornin rock jeans (or pants of any sort) in freakin ages, and it was the first time I've set skate to ice since I was about 16 years old, and only my second time ever. Once I was back on the ice I was back in the flow fairly well.
Of course I had a couple of balancing issues at the beginning,

but I held my own fairly well and could make trips around the rink without incident, for the most part

However, there were about 3 times where I did end up on the ice and none of them were very bad, but apparently one of those times I landed particularly wrong on my knee. It hurt a bit at the time, but nothing more than a little bump, and while we were at the skating rink it really didn't bother me too much. more later...
Mornin hadn't been skating for a longer time than myself and she had some trouble getting started,

but later, she was able to make her way around the rink much quicker!

By the end of the day, she was doing tricks! Way to go!

After skating we headed across the way and had lunch and then went to check out the
TBS building. See if we could get into a show taping? That didn't happen, especially after we realized that TBS doesn't really have any interesting shows, but we made the weather!

After doing the weather, we went to do a little
purikura-ing and this is where I ran into trouble.

My knee had been feeling fine until I knelled down to type in my e-mail address so that the pictures we had just taken would be sent to my cell phone... searing pain shot through my knee as I tried to stand back up. I tried to walk it off but it just wouldn't subside. We sat down for awhile and eventually I could walk, however with a pronounced limp now. It was time to go home. Very good day, lots of fun, but my knee is still killing me with every step. It's times like these that I wish my building had an elevator.
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