Sunday, January 25, 2009

anything + drinking = better!

A long standing belief that I have held is that drinking can make anything more interesting. A belief that I have put into practice in a variety of ways:
ghetto golph
any video game I've ever played
pirate house golf
pirate house baseball
bowlin zi deutch
riding the train
riding a bicycle
watching baseball
quiz shows
going to school
intermural basketball

So I decided to try this theory out the past couple of days on some things that I considered generally boring:
figure skating
I must say that I haven't actually tried out the figure skating deal because I came up with it kinda in the middle of the actual event, but I have come up with the rules. As we all know, without rules, we'd be up in a tree flinging poo at one another... and the All-Americas' figure skating championship is coming up soon, I can't wait!
The rules for figure skating are simple, but yet, completely established.
1 drink for every successfully completed trick where the skater leaves her (men's figure skating is not an option!) feet. i.e. a jump.
A shot of something (other than beer) such as Shochu, Tequila, Vodka, Awamori, Nihonshu, or something of the same ilk, or a 3-5 second chug of beer for every fall.
(A fall is defined as any time a skater touches the ice with any part of their body excluding their skates) This must be established before the "game" begins, and agreed upon by all (or the most important, i.e. the home's owner/apartment's renter) participants.

That's pretty much it for the on-ice action. Other rules can be established for "waiting for the judge's score" scenes. For example, a blown kiss is a drink, a blink is a drink, etc.
I must say that high-vision (high definition) has taken the sport of figure skating to new highs and lows. If you're at home watching on an olde-school TV, you won't understand how many pimples 16-18 year old girls have... especially on their backs...

*yesterday melvis and I did some figure skating drinking and it was intense! I was finished! I also did drinking Sumo for most of the day leading up to the figure skating, which probably wasn't the best planning...*

So sumo is a sport I don't hate, but it's not really something that I get pumped about, especially because the Japanese coverage of it is as dry as a dead dingo's donger usually.
The rules for drinking sumo are a bit more complicated and can be added to as well. So feel free to drink more than the rules call for!
Any time:
salt is thrown: 1 drink
After the ref is ready: (this is when he is facing forward)
a wrestler's hand touches the dohyo and the fight is not started: 1 drink
a "flying" start occurs: 2 drinks
the fight ends:
with both wrestlers on the dohyo: 1 drink
1 wrestler on the dohyo: 2 drinks
0 wrestlers on the dohyo: 3 drinks

That's about it. Happy drinking and enjoy!

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