So, here it is, my weekend again, and wow, it's raining again! Wahoo! I'm thinking that's about 6 weeks in a row where it has rained on one, or both of my days off. CRAP! Well, I decided to make the most of it and catch up on some movies that I haven't been able to check out before, and watch some classics as well. I thought that I would run down the list, and go through and review them also. So, to start with, I injured my leg playing futsol sunday night, so I didn't go play on monday night, but I had done a shift swap, so I ended up getting off at 2 in the afternoon. It's now about 8pm on thursday, I gotta go back to work tomorrow, but it's been almost like a 3 day weekend. Anyway, I had alot of time to watch movies...
So, the list goes: 40 year old virgin, Talledega Nights, Anchor Man, Over the Hedge, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Office Space, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift, and X-men Last Stand.
40 Year Old Virgin: **So, this movie was alright, it was kind of like a dumbed down version of Office Space. It had some really good lines in it, but all-in-all, it was less than great. The acting wasn't too bad, but the plot was just eh... it could have deffinately been better.
Talledega Nights: *1/2This movie was, well... a way to kill an hour and a half. It, like the 40 year old virgin had some decent lines in it, but they were pretty rare, and the plot of the movie was pretty poor. I would have to say that Will's performance in it was probably the best I've ever seen him, but the movie was pretty corny.
Anchor Man: **I watched this one and wasn't really dissapointed. It was pretty much what I expected. Never really had a desire to see it before, but I was bored. Again, a way to kill some time. It had a few good moments (my fav was Jack Black booting the dog off of the bridge) and there were a few good lines in this one again. The reason it got a bit better rating than Talledega Nights was really the plot. Will's acting was OK, but the story was decent, until really the last 30 mins of the movie or so, it got stoopid.
Over the Hedge: *Wow, I've never heard the term "kill you," or a variation of it, so many times in a kids movie before. It was really quite disturbing... The animation in this movie was really good, some excellent work really, but the plot, the over use of star power for the voice talents, and the script were just dumb. That's all.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: ***Well, I'd heard alot of good things about this movie, but I was worried it would be a bit too artsy for my taste, but I always was interested in it because of Jim. It ended up being pretty good. It had alot of cool direction in it, alot of interesting camera effects as they told the story. The story was pretty good, somewhat predictable, but well written, well acted, and really put together well. There were a few parts that were lacking, mostly the people in his bedroom while Jim's getting his memory erased.
Office Space: ****Some people might question how I could give this movie 4****'s but I love it!!! I've seen it many times, and I still love it! It reminds me alot of being in college. It has a great story, great acting, great lines like "no talent ass clown" etc. It's just a really good movie, if you haven't seen it, you must.
Ace Ventura Pet Detective: ****Now this movie, if you don't know why it's a 4 star movie, watch it, just watch it. It's f'n brilliant. The story is corny, but any movie about a pet detective has to be. But really, it's all about Jim Carey's acting. This was his breakout, his first gig after In Living Color (which if you haven't seen that, please, please watch it!) and it was really cool. It's just hilarious all around.
Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift: 1/2Wow! someone dropped a bomb on this one, what a stinker!!! whoa! Not that it had alot to live up to with the other two previous installments, but good lord! I gave this one a half star simply because of one shot of shibuya where I said, "hey it's shibuya!" Other than that, this movie sucked, big time.
X-men Last Stand: **1/2Don't know really what to say here, it was pretty exicing, good for a #3 in the series, but nothing spectacular. I would like to argue the casting of Frasier as Beast though. Not that I'm all geeky about X-men or anything, but, c'mon, I thought the Beast was like a big dude right? I know he's all smart and stuff, but Frasier is a wimp! Still the movie was entertaining, a bit over the top, and to my surprise (since it's called "last stand") sets itself up for another one...